Educational Speeches aim to educate the audience on a particular aspect of speaking. Within the club, many education speeches have been presented, covering a wide variety of topics. If you were unfortunate enough to miss Walter presenting any of his speeches, he has kindly agreed to provide copies for members here.
Stockport Speakers Club is proud to be affiliated to the Association of Speakers Clubs (ASC). Click the link to find out more about the ASC, or if you are not from the south Manchester area you can find a club a bit more closer to home.
We’re not the only Speakers Club in Stockport, our sister club Stockport Ladybrook Speakers Club meet on alternate Wednesdays at The Deanwater Hotel.
There has been a recent change in the way the assignments are evaluated, and we should all now be using the new evaluation sheets. They are available on the ASC website, from the Resources page. (If you don’t know the password, please contact the clubs Education Director, or President.)